Different class

“You’ll never live like common people
You’ll never do what common people do
You’ll never fail like common people
You’ll never watch your life slide out of view” – Pulp, 1995

The flight time was approaching but no announcement had been made about boarding thusly, I thought it safe to order another pre-flight pint.  Mike had to go catch his flight which left Emma and myself watching the weather segments and brave, or foolish, news reporters standing in their primary coloured cagoules and letting the wind and rain lash them in the face and complain about the apocalyptic torrents of water.  Or as we back in Scotland would call it; “a wee shower.”

The boarding call for our flight was eventually announced and we sat in the bar and watched our fellow passengers fail at queuing instead choosing to set themselves up in a crude bowling pin fashion.  So instead of having the requested passengers lining up first, some people decided to disregard the desk assistant’s instructions and block requested rows access to the front.

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